Travaux de l`Institut de Spéologie "Émile Racovitza"

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- 2006-2007 -

Staphylinides récoltés dans des grottes de Sardaigne par Giuseppe Grafitti du "Gruppo Speleologico Sassarese" (Coleoptera)

Cuvinte cheie: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, caves, Sardinia

Articol: Les Staphylinidae récoltés dans des grottes de Sardaigne par Giuseppe Grafitti (Gruppo Speleologico Sassarese) sont énumérés, avec de brefs commentaires. A list of Staphylinidae collected in caves in Sardinia by Giuseppe Grafitti of the “Gruppo Speleologico Sassarese” (Coleoptera), followed by short sampling notes, are presented

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Révision systématique des Leptodirinae souterrains des Monts Apuseni. V. Le sous-genre Pholeuon (s. str.) de la zone de Padiş (Monts du Bihor)

Cuvinte cheie: Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Pholeuon, Carpathians, Apuseni Mountains

Articol: Le matériel qui fait l’objet de cette cinquième série de la révision du genre Pholeuon se compose de sept échantillons prélevés de l’aire de répartition de Pholeuon (s. str.) knirschi, telle que celle-ci a été définie par JEANNEL (1924). Le traitement statistique des données biométriques établies sur 948 individus mâles et femelles a été fait en utilisant trois méthodes d’analyse multifactorielle

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Eco-faunistic study on the invertebrate fauna (Araneae, Collembola and Coleoptera) from the Vârghiş Gorge Natural Reserve (Eastern Carpathians, Romania), with special note on the micro-refugial role of subterranean habitats

Cuvinte cheie: Araneae, Collembola, Coleoptera, Varghis karst area, Carpathians, MSS, caves, riparian habitat

Articol: Les auteurs présentent les résultats des recherches effectuées sur la faune de araneae, collembolesés et coléoptères édaphiques et souterrains de la région karstique de Vârghiş (Carpates Orientales, Roumanie). Ces résultats sont concrétisés dans l’identification de 37 espèces des araneae, 27 de collemboles et 82 de coléoptères (récoltés du sol, milieu ripique, souterrain superficiel et cavernes) parmi lesquels, 3 sont pour la première fois signalés en Roumanie

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Data concerning the Oniscidea and the Diplopoda from the Vârghişului Gorge complex reserve

Cuvinte cheie: Oniscidea, Diplopoda, karst, Romania

Articol: In an attempt to continue and expand the investigations made by Professors T. Orghidan and Margareta Dumitrescu, we record now the presence of 12 species of Oniscidea and 13 species of Diplopoda in the karstic complex of the Vârghişului Gorge

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Results of research on the bat fauna of the Vârghiş Gorge (Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Cuvinte cheie: Chiroptera, fauna, Varghis Gorges, Eastern Carpathians

Articol: During the period between 2000 to 2004 in the Vârghiş Gorge (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) 23 caves were checked in order to collect chiropterological data. In 16 of them bats or bone materialwere found. Check-up of caves, netting and detectoring were used as methods and the collected bone material was also determined. 17 bat species were identified. The results suggest that an important number of caves are used by bats in different parts of the year

Material suplimentar: Tabele

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Faune de vertébrés de Betfia-XII (Bihor, Roumanie) et son âge chronologique. Étude des Arvicolidés (Rodentia)

Cuvinte cheie: Karst deposits, Early Pleistocene, Mammalia, Rodentia, Arvicolidae, Betfia, Romania

Articol: On présente la faune de Mammifères découverte dans le remplissage d’une fissure karstique, Betfia-XII, fissure ouverte par l’exploitation des calcaires barrémiens-aptiens au voisinage du village de Betfia (dép. de Bihor). Cette faune renferme 17 espèces, parmi lesquelles Pliomys episcopalis est prédominant, et se caractérise par la présence de Mimomys pusillus en association avec Microtus (Terricola) arvalidens, M. (Microtus) nivaloides, Prolagurus pannonicus et Lagurus transylvanicus

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Peştera Liliecilor (Liliecilor Cave) from the Olteţului Gorges. Mineralogical data

Cuvinte cheie: Cave minerals, hydroxylapatite, carbonate-hydroxylapatite, ardealite, brushite, gypsum

Articol: By means of RX and IR analyses we emphasize an associations of minerals in Peştera Liliecilor (Liliecilor Cave) from the Olteţului Gorges made up by hydroxylapatite, carbonate-hydroxylapatite, ardealite, brushite and gypsum as the main minerals and quartz and illite as secondary minerals. In the final part of the paper, the authors present some opinions about the possible genesis of the mineral species

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Mineralogical analysis in two caves from the Perşani Mountains

Cuvinte cheie: Cave minerals, carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, silicates, Persani Mountains

Articol: After diffractometric X-ray analyses through the powder method, made on sampling tests from two caves in the Perşani Mountains karst, mineral associations made up of calcite, magnesium calcite, aragonite, dolomite, brushite, hydroxylapatite, carbonate-hydroxylapatite, gypsum and α-quartz were emphasized. Tables are presented with the resulting data from the diffractometric analyses, including the computed parameters of the elementary cells of each mineral species

Material suplimentar: Grafice

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Historical development of biospeleology in Romania after the death of Emile Racovitza

Cuvinte cheie: Emile Racovitza Institute of Speleology, historical data

Articol: This is a modest contribution to the history of science, respectively the history of the Romanian biospeleology. Biospeleology, the science created by Emile Racovitza in 1907, knew, after the death of the scientist a second period of great development. This is the thriving period which began 5o years ago, in 1956, with the reorganization of the Institute of Speleology up to 2005, including the retirement of the last biospeleologists belonging to that generation – all more or less distinguished researchers, known as such outside Romania

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