Article: The Moesian Platform sedimentary basin, which occupies large parts of Romania and of Bulgaria, includes a several hundred meters thick carbonate formation of Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous age. The regional aquifer hosted by that reservoir formation has been tapped by several deep (up to 3,300 m) wells, drilled in southern Romania during the late 1980s and early 1990s
Download Read OnlineArticle: We developed a comparative study, between the 2009-2010 and 2015-2016 sampling campaigns, in order to monitor the changes occurred in the quality of seven drinking water sources, after few springs from the Runcuri Plateau were taped into the locals’ homes. A special view was given to the geology of the Runcuri Plateau and to the relationship between the geological substrate and physicochemical profile, microbial content, and invertebrate communities of the analyzed springs
Download Read OnlineArticle: In this first note, we present the taxonomic position and the differential diagnosis of the family Trichoniscidae. In our opinion from the common ancestor of Oniscidea two lineages evolved: a lineage evolved toward the complete disappearance of the genital apophyses leaving only two separated male genital openings (Infraorder Tylomorpha) while the other lineage evolved toward merging the two genital apophyses up to the fusion of the ejaculatory ducts and a single genital opening (Infraorder Ligiamorpha)
Download Read OnlineArticle: Located in central Greece, Melissotrypa Cave is a hypogenic cave that contains a sulfidic lake. Biological investigations in this cave led to the discovery of several endemic troglobitic invertebrates, some of which occur in high densities of up to 200 specimens per square meter
Download Read OnlineArticle: Next to Emil G. Racovitza, the great explorer, scholar and founder of biospeleology, the “second father” of Romanian speleology must necessarily be the geologist Marcian Bleahu, tireless researcher of the karst and promoter of the schoolof physical speleology and karst
Download Read OnlineArticle: On 29 October 2019, the researchers of “Emile Racovitza” Institute of Speleology lost one of their most dear colleague and friend, Vasilica Iavorschi, due to an unforgiving illness
Download Read OnlineArticle: Dr. Ştefan Negrea worked in the Institute of Speleology “reborn” in Bucharest in 1956, under the leadership of the emeritus professor Constantin Motaş (until 1969), then under the guidance of Prof. Traian Orghidan, Dr. Costin Rădulescu (correspondent member of the Romanian Academy) and Dr. Ioan Povară.
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