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- 2009 -

Cornel Constantin Pleşa (3 August 1931–15 August 2008)

Article keywords: In memoriam, Constantin Pleşa

Article: Corneliu Pleşa, cave biologist was born on August 3rd, 1931 in Cluj. He attended the primary school in his hometown and in 1940, at the age of 9, he moved to Bucharest as a war refugee, city where he lived until 1949. He started the high school education in Bucharest, at Archiepiscopal High School Sfântul Iosif and returned to Cluj where he continued his formation at Gheorghe Bariţiu high school

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Révision systématique des Leptodirinae souterrains des Monts Apuseni.VI. Le sous-genre Pholeuon (s. str.) du bassin de Someşul Cald (Monts du Bihor)

Article keywords: Coleoptera, Leiodidae, subterranean species, Apuseni Mountains

Article: Des mesures biométriques entreprises sur 746 mâles et 760 femelles de Pholeuon (s. str.) angusticolle collectés de neuf grottes ont fourni les données brutes pour un traitement statistique réalisé par les mêmes méthodes multifactorielles que celles employées dans nos précédentes études régionales

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Species of Oniscidea and Araneae from the Movile Cave drillings

Article keywords: Oniscidea, Araneae, drillings, Movile Cave, Romania

Article: Dobrogea represents a biogeographic “crossroad” between bioclimatic provinces with a complex character given by the presence of great numbers of Mediterranean, Pontic, Caucasian, etc., elements. And one of the most interesting regions of Dobrogea is the area of the Movile Cave who proved to be particularly interesting from a biological point of view

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Hyporheic fauna from interstitial of the Someş River basin (Transylvania, northwestern Romania)

Article keywords: Hyporheic communities, interstial, water mites, cyclopoids, oligochaetes, biodiversity, statistical analyses

Article: Biodiversity in hyporheic habitats (interstitial water habitats in river bank sediments) has been studied on Someşul Cald (Warm Someş) and Someşul Rece (Cold Someş) River (north western Romania, Transylvania), from March to October 2004. pH and electrical conductivity were measured monthly at each site, and animals were collected with the Karaman-Chappuis method and by filtering water through a hand-net

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Sampling efficiency of pitfall traps and Winkler extractor for inventory of the harvestmen (Arachnida: Opilionidae)

Article keywords: Opiliones, pitfall traps, Winkler extractor, relative abundance, species richness, species composition

Article: Most soil and leaf litter invertebrates lack efficient inventory methods. We evaluated the efficiency of the pitfall traps (or Barber method) and Winkler extractor (or Winkler method) in a beech forest on limestone in southwestern Romania using harvestmen (Arachnida: Opilionidae) as target group. The aim was to test if the relative abundance, species richness and species composition differ between the two methods

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Groundwater vulnerability assessment in the Motru Sec karst area, the Mehedinţi Mountains)

Article keywords: Karst management, karst vulnerability, EPIK, GIS, Motru Sec

Article: Karst aquifers represent an important source of drinking water supply, therefore their vulnerability analysis in regions affected by human interventions is needed. Vulnerability assessment mapping, establishes an adequate framework on the karst aquifers catchment areas extension. The present study emphasizes the significant role of lithology, structure and epikarst, on the one hand, infiltration conditions, soil and quaternary deposits (karst protective cover), on the other hand, in groundwater vulnerability assessment of a typical karst area, located in the Mehedinţi Mountains

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A remarkable finding that suggests the existence of a new groundwater biome based on chemoautotrophic resources, named “Ophel” by F.D. Por

Article keywords: Ophel, chemoautotrophy, subterranean microbiome, Ayyalon Cave, Movile Cave

Article: An important work of subterranean biology, signed by FRANCIS DOV POR, Ophel: a groundwater biome based on chemoautotrophic resources. The global significance of the Ayyalon cave finds, Israel is presented and discussed in the present paper. The subject is a remarkable discovery suggesting the existence of a new aquatic subterranean biome autonomous energy based the author calls Ophel, the Hebrew word for “darkness” and “netherworld”

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