Article: The faunal lists of cave, epigaeic and soil species of Araneae (73 species), Collembola (61 species), Orthoptera (35 epigaeic species) and Coleoptera (127 species) collected in the years 2005 and 2006 from the Rodnei Mountains Biosphere Reservation are presented. Among these, eight species: Rugathodes bellicosus (Araneae, Theridiidae), Glyphesis servulus (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Incestophantes frigidus (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Gnaphosa badia (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), Eusphalerum pallens (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Cryptophagus corticinus (Coleoptera, Cryptophagidae), Otiorrhynchus scaber (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) Thamnurgus varipes (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) – are for the first time recorded for the Romanian fauna
Download Read OnlineArticle: The author presents data about the species of spiders collected from the Aninei Mountains karstic area. Among the 64 species identified from the material sampled from the edaphic and subterranean environments (caves and mesovoid shallow substratum), 21 species are new for the area. The chorological composition of the fauna is presented, followed by some statistical ecology analyses
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Download Read OnlineArticle: By means of diphractometric X-rays analyses on powders, we emphasize an association of minerals in the Limanu Cave from South Dobrogea, made up of hydroxylapatite, brushite, calcite, gypsum and dolomite as the main minerals and quartz and illite as secondary minerals
Download Read OnlineArticle: By means of X-rays diphractometric analyses on powders, we evidence an association of minerals in “Peştera cu Lilieci din satul Peştera”, made up of hydroxylapatite(carbonate-hydroxylapatite), brushite, taranakite, calcite, quartz, illite and birnessite
Download Read OnlineArticle: Following a series of cave mineralogy researches in Peştera Polovragi and Peştera Muierii, Gorj County, we evidence an association made up of hydroxylapatite, taranakite, calcite and secondarily of quartz and illite and respectively, of hydroxylapatite, brushite, calcite and aragonite, and secondarily of α-quartz and illite
Download Read OnlineArticle: A major socio-economic and scientific issue is represented by karst hydrostructures vulnerability mapping, which qualitatively and quantitatively highlights their exposure degree. Two research trends have been developed, one taking into account the environment features exclusively – the aquifer and protective cover type, permeability, aquifer depth, recharge rate, etc. (intrinsic vulnerability), the other focused on the types and quantities of pollutants (specific vulnerability)
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