Article: 20th century, beginning of the fifth decade. The generation of the 30s was finally graduating high school after a thorough baccalaureate examination and knocking at the gates of the Universities in search of their path in life. They had been through extremely difficult and painful times, filled with deprivations caused by World War II and followed by the terrible drought of 1947-49 and closely entwined with the fight for power of the few insurgents arriving on Soviet tanks in order to annihilate the democratic regime in Romania
Download Read OnlineArticle: In September 2000, nearly 15 years after the Movile cave (Mangalia, Romania) was discovered and it was demonstrated that this ecosystem is entirely chemoautotrophically based-and thus able to sustain the energy requirements of all its components, a new campaign for sample. collection was: carried out. The sample collected were microbiologically and biochemically analysed using selective media for a large range, of physiological groups of chemoautotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms
Download Read OnlineArticle: The Mediterranean region is the vast intercontinental zone comprising the Mediterranean Sea which separates two great blocks of the Ancient World, the Eurasiatic and the Indoafrican, and is situated at the meeting-point of the two climatic and biogeographic zones. There are many particular zones which distinguished the Mediterranean region from the continental masses surrounding it
Download Read OnlineArticle: The results of palynological analysis carried out on a guano deposit in the “Bats Cave from Gura Dobrogei” (Central Dobrogea), as well as on a loessic deposit trom a sinkhole (‘Obanul Mare”) its eastern margin of the Movile Clave (Southern Dobrogea) are presented. ‘The results obtained: seem to indicate “the Subailantic period for the establishment.of the guano deposit and the Exarly Quatetnary period for the loessic deposit
Download Read OnlineArticle: Mesophilic bacteria and fungi were investigated in the air of three show caves in the Western Carpathians, Romania. The concentration of total aerobic viable bacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and Gram negative bacteria, and Candida spp. ‘was generally higher within the visited areas, after the tourists’ passage, than in the iriner part of the caves or outside. In contrast the dominant fungi Aspergillus, Penicillium and Mucor were found at higherconcentration outside the caves, their number decreasing from the entrance towards the interior of the cave
Download Read OnlineArticle: As Emile Racovitza pointed out in his classical Essai sur les-problémes biospéologiques: “...on ne pourra se livrer 4 1’étude chorologique des Cavernicoles pris en bloc; car les faunes et les flores souterraines sont des faunes et des flores dérivées, formées par une agglomération d’étres absolument différents, dont Vorigine, Age, l’ancienneté d’ immigration sont trés divers. On sera donc réduit a faire des chorologies spéciales pour chaque groupe homogéne, ce qui me sera pas moins intéressant.” (E, GH. RACOVITA, 1907, p. 459)
Download Read OnlineArticle: The study provides the description of a new. species of the genus Bulgardicus Strasser, 1960, known until now only by a sole species found in a cave from North-Western Bulgaria. Also, we analyze the family Anthroleucosomatidae which contains mostly troglobitic species
Download Read OnlineArticle: The species “Obisium’ blothroides was discovered and described from a single cave nr. Mehadia, Romania. At that time, Mehadia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which accounts for the later hence further mistake made by BRIER (1932, 1963) who claimed that the species inhabits “SO-Qngarn”. However, Neobisium blothroides canbe regarded:as an endemic and relict form inhabiting a number caves in Romania, already cited in this paper
Download Read OnlineArticle: Within the program deployed with the Administration of the National Park Piatra Craiului, we initiated an intensive study of the Collembola in the area, which allowed for the revision of the cavernicolous species that we had previously quoted, as well as the description of new species of Onychiuridae (for some of the species we used material from other regions, especially from Varghisului Gorges). 31 species of Collembola are known in the area of the National Park Piatra Craiulu: (POPA I. and GRUIA M., 2004), out of which Deuteraphorura traiani n.sp alone may be considered genuinely troglobiont
Download Read OnlineArticle: A faunal list including 104 invertebrate species occured in 22 caves from the Piatra Craiului National Park is given. Among the identified species Deuteraphorura traiani Gruia et Popa, 2005 (Collembola) is an endemic species recently described, Ameroseius insignis Bernardh, 1963 (Acari) is for the first time recorded in the Romanian fauna and Dermestes (Montandonia) latissima (Bielz, 1852) (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) is a very rare endemic species in the Meridional Carpathians
Download Read OnlineArticle: Le traitement par plusicurs méthodes statistiques d’analyse multifactorielle des données biométriques obtenues sur 16 échantillons de Pholeuon (s. str.) impose certaines modifications dans la classification du sous-genre Pholeuon (s. str.), dont la plus importante dérive du fait que P. knirschi et P. proserpinae savérent étre des espéces synonymes
Download Read OnlineArticle: In order to continue the researches on the MSS (the MSS of the French authors) from Romania, between June 1998 and September 2001, we made 120 drillings in calcareous and non-calcareous colluvial deposits from the West of the Southern Carpathians by placing buried Barber traps. Among them, we selected only 29 traps from which fauna with biospeological significance for the MSS was collected
Download Read OnlineArticle: Both beetles and spiders are well represented in the riparian habitats by numerous predatory species, with different ecological niches in limiting the local populations of primary or secondary consumers. The Natural Reserve Slatioara — one of the oldest and well conserved primary forests from Romania (and also from Europe) — offers us the opportunity to study an almost unaltered riparian association of Coleoptera and Araneae, arthropods proofed to be very important in the biodiversity and pollution evaluation of moist areas (and not only)
Download Read OnlineArticle: En dépit du fait que la Collection «Biospeologica» contenait en son temps un nombre assez important de Chéiroptéres, aucun des mémoires qui composent la série homonyme publiée 4 la longue dans la revue Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale ne traite de ces Mammiféres troglophiles. Des documents d’archives et des informations extraites des neuf séries de l’«Enumération des grottes visitées» ont permis toutefois de dresser un inventaire partiel des espéces collectées durant lintervalle 1905-1957, ainsi que de leurs grottes de provenance
Download Read OnlineArticle: The paper reassesses the spreading of Rhinolophus mehelyi in Romania by including the SW zone of the country in the species distribution area and the threats are analyzed and protection measures are proposed for Pestera Gura Ponicovei, a shelter with a bat population of over 7,000 ind., inside which, recently, a heterospecific colony of Rhinolophus mehelyi, together with five other species (newly recorded here) has been discovered In all, the variety of the Chiroptera from this site numbers 16 species
Download Read OnlineArticle: Les recherches paléontologiques effectuées pendant les deux derniéres décennies dans les formations pliocénes de la zone ouest du Bassin Dacique ont mené 4 la découverte d’une succession serrée de faunes de Mammiféres, qui couvre tout le Pliocéne moyen et supérieur. Cette circonstance a permis d’édifier une échelle biochronologique détaillée, corrélée avec la biozonation locale fondée sur les associations de Mollusques, et appuyée par des déterminations de paléomagnétisme
Download Read OnlineArticle: The work covers the research of the osteological remains of the big mammals from the Upper Poratian from the gully “Rapa Scortsescu”, situated nearby the commune Giurgiulesti (county Vulcinesti). The presence of Archidiskodon gromovi along with Stephanorhinus etruscus, Equus ex gr. major and Bison cf. suchovi allows to atrribute the described faunistical composition to the Khaprovian complex
Download Read OnlineArticle: Undoubtedly, the fauna (ostracodes and mollusks) of the Upper Neogene from the Dacian basin is well known for its empirical sense and the biostratigraphy (exclusively focused on mollusks) is clear and generally without major ambiguities. However many “biostratigraphical events”, either boundaries or fauna changes, have no plausible explanations
Download Read OnlineArticle: In this paper there are presented data obtained after a first mineralogical analysis made in the Colibituri Cave. Based on extensive X-ray powder diffraction study, the presence of hydroxylapatite, leucophosphite, calcite, a-quartz and illite was determined. Practically, the whole southern part of the Valcan Mountains, which is included in the Gorj county, is mostly made of carbonated rocks from the Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age, whereas those from the southern sector of the Sohodol Gorges, where the Colibituri Cave lies, are attributed to the Aptian-Barremian interval developed in urgonian facies (skeletal, peletoid and biolitical limestone)
Download Read OnlineArticle: Situated between mountain ranges with heights over 2,000 m (the Bucegi Massive in the east, Leaota Mountains in the south-east, Piatra Craiului Ridge and lezer Mountains in the west), the Rucăr-Bran Passage, with altitudes of 600—1,500 m, is distinguished as a well-defined geographic unity in the ensemble of the Romanian Carpathians
Download Read OnlineArticle: Je suis trés honorée d’avoir l’ occasion d’évoquer quelques aspects de la riche activité de mon éminent Professeur Margareta Dumitrescu, celle qui a marqué ma destinée scientifique dés les années de ma formation d’étudiante, en orientant mon attention vers l’étude de la faune de Mammiféres fossiles
Download Read OnlineArticle: Creator of a new school of hydrobiology and, especially, of biospeleology, Traian Orghidan invested all his heart and energy in the reorganization in a modern and dynamic perspective of our Institute. An explorer by excellence, he studied numerous caves, rocks and sediments, rivers and subterranean waters, fossils and vestiges of human culture both in Romania and abroad
Download Read OnlineArticle: Le professeur Traian Ceuca est né le 18 janvier 1921, 4 Salva (département de Bistrita-Nasaud, Roumanie). Il a fait ses études secondaires au Lycée «George Cosbuc» de Nasaud, ot son intérét a été capté par la riche collection d’animaux empaillés dont ce prestigieux collége était doté. Transformé bientét en véritable passion, le fait a été décisif dans le choix de sa future carriére
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