Travaux de l`Institut de Spéologie "Émile Racovitza"

Home > Journal >  Journal 2000-2001

VOLUME 39-40

- 2000-2001 -

Eugen Şerban (1932–2001)

Article keywords: In memoriam, Eugen Şerban

Article: As part of his activity at the Speleological Institute, Eugen Serban explored a great number of caves, especially from the upper basin of the Cerna Valley, but his main preoccupation was the study of the subterranean aquatic crustaceans. His first aim was the Microparasellidae, describing three new. species belonging to the genus Microcharon: M.motasii, M.orghidanii, M.oltenicus

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The Spreading of the genus Mesoniscus in the Romanian Carpathians

Article keywords: Mesoniscus graniger, inventory, cave, MSS, Romania

Article: Unlike Mesoniscus alpicola (Heller, 1858) found only in Lombardia and the North-Eastern Alps, Mesoniscus graniger has a greater range: from. the Northern Carpathians (Eastern Slovakia), all along the Carpathians, the Bihor and the. Banat Mountains tothe. Dinarids and the lulian Alps. (Gruner. et. Tabacaru, 1963; Tabacaru, 1969)

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On the structure of the stomach at Mesoniscus (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Microcheta). The constitutive elements of the stomach at Isopoda

Article keywords: Mesoniscus graniger, stomach structure, Oniscidea

Article: Sur tes relations phylogénétiques ainsi que sur la position’ systématique des Mesoniscidae (Microcheta, Oniscidea) ont été argumentées des opinions tres différentes. En vue de contribuer a l’élucidation du probléme; aprés une succincte analyse des principaux éléments constitutifs de l’estomac des Isopodes, on donne une description de l’estomac chez les espéces du genre Mesoniscus

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Mesoniscus graniger dragani n. ssp. from the caves of Valea Sighiştelului and Valea Crăiasa. The granulation at Mesoniscus graniger

Article keywords: M. graniger dragani, endemic subspecies

Article: Jusqu’a present, on connaissait deux sous-especes de Mesoniscus graniger en Roumanie: Mesoniscus graniger graniger (Frivaldsky, 1865) et Mesoniscus graniger moldavicus Radu, 1977. Notre travail présente une nouvelle sous-espéce, Mesoniscus graniger dragani, et les caractéres de la granulation tergale dans le genre Mesoniscres

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A new species of Diplopod from Romania: Stenophyllum tabacarui n. sp. (Diplopoda, Julidae).

Article keywords: Stenophyllum tabacarui n. sp., Diplopoda, endemic

Article: Stenophyllum is an endemic genus for Romania and until now three species belonging to this genus were descriebed. Two of these species were described by Verhoeff in 1897 (8. hermannimuelleri and S. primitivum); both species were found in a little forest near the city of Brasov, under dead leaves. The third species (S. semenicensis), collected from Mount Semenic, was described by Traian Ceuca in 1989

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Collembola from the karstic system of Romania (II)

Article keywords: Collembola, cave, karst, biotopes, ecological niches, Romania

Article: On présente 111 espéces de Collemboles hypogéicoles de Roumanie (formes troglobiontes, guanobiontes, troglophiles et trogloxénes). On indique pour chaque espéce, les biotopes qu'elle habite dang la ‘grotte, ainsi que sa distribution géographique. Pour les formes trogloxénes et pour certaines des espéces troglophiles on mentionne aussi les biotopes dans lesqueles elles ont été trouvées a l’extérieur

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Description of a new species of Anommatus from Romania and of the male of A. duodecimstriatus (Coleoptera, Anommatidae)

Article keywords: Coleoptera, Bothrideridae, Anommatus oltenicus, n.sp.

Article: Many systematic problems of the genus Anommatus were solved due to Dajoz’s monograph (1977). The taxonomic characters and the biometric methods used by Dajoz contributed to eliminating a great part.of the confusions from the previous descriptions, wherein due to the insufficient taxonomic data, many coleopterologists included into one species’ (collective species) many distinct specific’ taxa

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Biometric and genetic study of the subgenus Parapholeuon

Article keywords: Parapholeuon, Pădurea Craiului, mtDNA, phylogeographic relationships

Article: After a brief summing up of the findings revealed by the statistical analysis both by means of numerical analysis and by principal components analysis of some biometric data referring to 19 samples of Parapholeuon from Padurea Craiului Mountains, the paper presents the phyletic and phylogeographic relationships between the taxa from this subgenus, deduced by studying the variability of two (genic sequences of mitochondrial DNA

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Aspects de l’histoire de la végétation postglaciaire du Sud de la Roumanie, dans le contexte national et sud-Européen

Article keywords: Palynology, phytohistory, karst sediments, guano, Postglacial, Lateglacial, Romania, Balkans

Article: This paper presents some aspects of the history of postglacial vegetation from the south, south-east and. south-west, of Romania, compared to those from the rest of Romania and the Balkans, revealed by palynological analyses with the support of Carbon 14 data. A synthesis of the palynological analyses in sediments of diverse origin, as well as in karstic sediments from the studied region, is accomplished. The results of the palynological analysis carried out on the guano deposit from Adam Cave, on the Cerna valley, are also presented

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La faune de mammifères du Würm final de Peştera Bursucilor (comm. Târguşor, dép. Constanţa, Roumanie). Remarques sur les espèces de Lagurini et de Microtus

Article keywords:Karst deposits, Late Wurm, Late Glacial, Mammalia, Rodentia, Arvicolidae, Central Dobrogea, Romania

Article: On présente la stratigraphie et la faune de Mammiféres des dépots tardiglaciaires de Pestera Bursucilor (P.B.) ainsi que des informations concernant l’emplacement et le cadre chronologique et climatique de l'industrie épigravettienne y découverte. L'age de ces dépots couvre un intervalle correspondant a l’interstade de Lascaux et au Dryas I (premiére’ moitié du W4 des auteurs frangais)

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The history of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the Danube Delta during the Upper Pliocene–Recent time

Article keywords: Danube Delta, evolution, Cosna Core, sediments, Ostracoda, Crustacea

Article: The evolution of the Danube Delta remains areal “terra incognita” and it is worth more than a mass. I have profited by one core (Cosna) traversing all the Danube Delta sediments, The oldest ostracod ‘community belongs to the Uppermost Dacian, fellowed by the Apscheronian and finally by the Holocene marine, Mediterranean immigrants. I have identified almost 80 species and five successive different facies

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Données thermo-hygrométriques sur la Grotte de Ciungi et la Grotte de Măgurici (Plateau du Someş, Transylvanie)

Article keywords: Underground atmosphere, mathematical modelling, temperature ranges, relative humidity, Ciungi Cave, Magurici Cave, Somes Plateau, Romania

Article: En partant des mesures faites le long d’un cycle annuel sur la température et l'humidité relative de l'air, le travail présente les principaux éléments qui caractérisent le topoclimat de la Grotte de Ciungi et de la Grotte de Magurici, notamment au point de vue du régime de ventilation et de la structure méroclimatique

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Considérations sur les avens et la glaciation pléistocène de Piatra Craiului (Carpates Meridionales–Roumanie)

Article keywords: Piatra Craiului, Southern Carpathians, potholes, Pleistocene glaciation, cirque glaciers

Article: L'hypothése de l'existence des glaciers de cirque avec des dimensions réduites sur le versant nord-ouest-de Piatra Craiului au Pléistocéne, a été émise pour la premiere fois en 1984. Dans ce travail l’auteur expose des arguments qui soutiennent la présence des petits glaciers de cirque, aussi, sur le versant opposé (nord-est). Avenul de sub Colții Grindului, découvert en 1985, situé pres de la ligne de créte, constitue l'argument le plus significatif

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